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God Is Clearing A Way, JUST FOR YOU 🫵

Published Feb. 13, 2025, 3:42 p.m. by ScepterOfJudah
Updated on Feb. 16, 2025, 1:20 p.m.

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There is a saying that "God works in mysterious ways." Perhaps a few thousand years ago that was true, but with the Word of God, He has made it very clear how He works. We just have to take the time to read and understand.

Let's look at Isaiah 10:24, where God tells us:
"Therefore thus says the Lord God of hosts: 'O my people, who dwell in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrians when they strike with the rod and lift up their staff against you as the Egyptians did.'"

When trouble befalls you or those around you, be careful before condemning God—He has made it very clear how He works.

In verse 25, He continues:
"For in a very little while my fury will come to an end, and my anger will be directed to their destruction."

God will remove the source of strife and difficulty in your life after it has achieved its purpose. This purpose can include removing people who would cause you harm, purifying the land from sin, or eliminating certain habits you embody.

What you consider trouble is actually what is necessary for you to take your next step. In life, we have a path, and when that path is blocked, we cannot continue forward until it is cleared. With this dilemma, God tests our patience and our faith. God has stated many times, "Be still, and know that I am God."

When strife and difficulty are presented to you, be still and know that God is performing a great work just for you.


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